In software development process, the Bridge Software Engineer (BrSE) role is similar to the Business Analyst (BA) role. We analyze customer requirements, and then make designs, transfer design to the developers and tester, work together with the team until successfully releasing the product for customers.
During that process, BrSE also has the role of supporting PM in monitoring and control working performance of the team and manage project risk.
In this article, I will list up all documents that BrSE should create in the project.
In my point of view, making a software design is like an art, there are not template suitable for all projects. So that, the sections in each document I listed are just "should have", depending on your project, adding or reducing accordingly.
For example:
- In Agile projects, the design is oriented to features, and the development team needs to strictly manage the versions of document.
- In a complicated features project, we need to make a good basic design corresponding with customer specification and use that basic design to confirm with customers.
Then from baseline of basic design, let the developers create the detail design. Brse needs to review the detail design to make sure that the developer understood correctly so that they can create a product that matches the customer's specification.

In Shift Asia there are many documents will be created in a project by BrSE. These below documents are often created.
Proposal, Basic Design, Detail Design, Test Perspective, Manual, Release Checklist
Proposal's key points
- Overview of problem and goals
- Why us
- Solution and case study
- Functional list
- Nonfunctional list
- Mockup
- Main Screen Design
- Project Scope
- Project Plan
Basic design's key points
- Framework using
- screen design
- detail item in screen
- screen flow
- DB design
Detail design's key points
- Batch design
- Screen design
- API design
- Validations
- Error processing
- Message list
Test points for
- Test UI/UX
- Test functional
- Test scenario
- Test integration
Manual document
- System setting manual.
- User guidelines
Release checklist
List up all the resources and source code that will be transfer to customers, setup status and PIC of each task in checklist.
Documentation is one of the key tasks that BrSE has to deliver.
It is not limited to requirement analysis phase, but it still continues to release phrase. Each company has its own template to capture the requirements however the content in each kind of document remains common.
Hopefully this article useful for you and it was able to clairfy your double related to project documentation or BrSE jobs.