Before the software/application is released to the users, it needs to be tested. In testing there are many techniques, methods, aspects to ensure that the software/application works as it was originally created. One of the indispensable steps when performing testing is validation. Validation is the process of evaluating software during or at the end of the development process to determine if it meets requirements and regulations. In the following section, the more detail of validation and its role in testing will be discussed.
Software testing
Software testing is the process of confirming that the created software works correctly, meets the required specifications, and does not operate unintentionally. It is the process of executing a program with the aim of finding bugs before the software is released to the market. Software testing can also be seen as the process of validating and verifying that the software program, application, or product has met the technical, business, and operational requirements as expected.
Validation check
Have you ever heard the word "validation check"? What is original meaning of "validation"?
As you may know, especially if you are involved in pharmaceuticals and quasi-drugs, validation is stipulated as a ministerial ordinance (validation standard) and is defined as "verify and document this." In short, "validation" means validation, verification, authorization, validity, and so on. Therefore, "validation check" is to verify (inspect) the object such as verification, approval, and validity. It is carried out in various fields other than the above-mentioned pharmaceutical-related fields.
Validation is determining whether the system conforms to the requirements and performs the functions for which it is intended and meets the organization's goals and user needs. On the production side, validation is created according to regulations, grammar, standards, specifications, etc., and the checker confirms and completes it, but unexpected standard changes, specification changes, design changes, etc. are the results.
Validation check in software testing
Validation check in software testing
As mentioned above, validation is an indispensable part of software testing. A product may pass during validation, because it is done on paper and does not run or function the application is required. However, when at the same time the product has been validated on paper but then running products may fail during validation. This can happen because when a product or application is built to specifications but the specifications are not exact so they cannot resolve the user requirements.
Validation is a process of checking whether the input data is appropriate and accepted by the system. However, validation cannot ensure the accuracy of the data. At the stage of coding, if a validation for data input is created, this will prevent unexpected phenomenon or even crashing when running.

Validation methods
There are many validation methods, such as:
· Range check: checking if the data in a set range are acceptable and upper/lower of the range with the phenomenon as requirement.
· Type check: checking if the data with the allowed type are accepted and data without allowance are not accepted.
· Length check: checking if the number of characters meets the expectations or not.
· Format check: checking if the data entered are matched a desired pattern or not.
· Check digit: is an extra digit added to the end of a string of number, which is calculated by processing each number of the string with a formula.
· Presence check: checking if any data are entered or not. If not, it will cause an warning/error then stop the system from the next process.
Validation is done during testing like functional testing, integration testing, system testing, load testing, compatibility testing, etc.
Validation is checking that the product is built according to the customer's requirements. This term is applied to most software development processes, to ensure the most complete and complete software development before reaching customers. Thus, validation helps to bring out the correct functionality of the features and helps the testers to understand the product in a better way. It helps to create more user-friendly products.
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