Software Testing

Software Testing

Functional Testing

Our domain-specific functional testing uncovers and eliminates defects, guaranteeing your software’s functionality performs exactly as required and meets end-user expectation. Stay confident in your flawless software product.

Regression Testing

New features shouldn’t introduce unforeseen problems. Our regression testing acts as a safety net, meticulously checking for unintended bugs that might impact existing functionalities. This way you can maintain the software quality, enhance user satisfaction, build trust with your users.

Agile Testing

The fast-paced world of Agile development demands testing that keeps pace. Our Agile Testing services seamlessly integrate with your development sprints, providing continuous feedback and ensuring exceptional quality without sacrificing speed.

Security Testing

Technology revolution, digitalization brings constant security challenges for your business. Let us help you respond by proactively identifying and analyzing security vulnerabilities and taking early measures against unforeseen attacks with our Security services.

Performance Testing

Our proficiency in Performance Testing encompasses diverse applications such as client-server, web, distributed, mobile, cloud databases, high-volume transaction systems, and highly complex applications.

Test Automation

Aims to maximize your testing coverage, deliver seamless software quality while maintain high degree of testing accuracy. Our comprehensive Test Automation services are tailored to help you in achieving faster time to market at their optimal budget and minimal risks.

QA Consulting/PMO

Not having a specialized QA team on deck but love to have one stand-by? SHIFT ASIA’s QA Consulting services provides from simple to expert QA consulting services that fit any product development size.

Usability Testing

Great software isn’t just functional, it’s easy and enjoyable to use. With profound knowledge of various business domains, our usability testing services delve into user behavior, identifying areas for improvement and optimizing the user experience.

Services We OfferServices

Check out other services we offer from Vietnam. SHIFT ASIA alone has tested and completed hundreds of projects since its establishment in 2016. Our test engineer team consists of specialists certified by ISTQB and are well-trained on methodology and software defect patterns, transforming their knowledge into outstanding quality of our clients’ product. Development projects succeed its principles to guarantee high-quality outcome, supported by many full-stack engineers.

Testing Projects  Completed

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Testing Projects Completed

Certified Testers

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Certified Testers

Full-stack Developers

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Full-stack Developers

Case StudiesCase Studies

Showcase some of our recent projects per solution type and client industry vertical, you can easily browse on our portfolio page.

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