Case StudiesCase Studies

Software Development & Testing: POS System

Software Development & Testing: POS System

We develop a high-quality POS system with smooth integration with IoT devices

As one of the global beverage manufacturers, our client planned to develop a new Point-of-sales (POS) system that is combined with IoT devices in numerous locations including amusement parks,

Client Challenges

The client was in the process of developing and implementing the POS system for cash-on-delivery accounting at its retail restaurants located in amusement parks and other locations.

The system utilizes a firmware-less IoT system called Obniz, and was developed based on a web-based application. It allows the staff in charge of processing orders at the restaurant to change sales, orders, and other settings using a cash register control panel, tablet, and other linked IoT devices.

However, vague requirement definitions and frequent specification changes led to concerns about the quality of the system, so they reached out to SHIFT ASIA, as we have extensive experience and knowledge in retail-related system development and testing.

Client Requirements

The client was seeking a development company that can support the development of this system with the capabilities that meet the requirement below.

  • To meet a limited budget, they wanted a one-stop service that could support everything from system requirements definition to development and testing.
  • They wanted to develop and test the system with a focus on high quality and excellent usability in order to achieve smooth accounting that improves the customer experience for guests visiting the restaurant.
  • They wanted to achieve smooth integration with IoT devices so that data can be collected and analyzed from a variety of IoT devices.

What we have delivered

SHIFT ASIA conducted several interviews with the client to clarify the client’s requirements, especially detailed system requirements and what they want about quality and then implemented the entire process from development to testing. Precisely, we handled server construction, web/mobile application development, IoT device integration, and unit test implementation.

In addition, there were many specification changes to meet diversifying needs during the development process, but we flexibly responded to these changes within the client’s budget.

In addition to the POS system, SHIFT ASIA supported the development of an ordering application system for guests. The project involved a Japanese PM, BrSE(Bridge System Engineer), and a web designer, and we used waterfall development for about eight months.

Tools and technologies used


Solution Summary

-Software Development
-Test Plan
-Test Design
-Test Execution

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