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Offshore Software Development Center (OSDC): Everything You Need to Know

Oct 18, 2023 JIN

Offshore Software Development Center (OSDC): Everything You Need to Know

In a time of geopolitical turbulence and economic shocks, enterprises actively explore avenues to sustain viability and nurture expansion. Consequently, contemporary technology firms are inclined to inaugurate offshore software development centers (OSDCs).

Today’s article will discuss the OSDCs spectrum, conceptual framework, operational dynamics, advantages, and potential challenges.

What is an Offshore Software Development Center, and How Does it Operate?

“Offshoring” often refers to various activities conducted in foreign nations. Offshore software development involves a company enlisting a group of developers and IT experts from countries with favorable business environments. This approach proves ideal for those seeking to expand their output while lacking the necessary on-site resources.

In rational terms, an offshore development center constitutes a specialized unit outside the client’s home country. This unit specializes in creating, upkeep, and supporting software solutions with established protocols, necessary tools, and office facilities.

Key Operating Principles of an OSDC:

  • Offering cost-competitive software services to clients in different nations.
  • Functioning as an independent entity, complete with a dedicated team encompassing software engineers, project managers, quality assurance specialists, and other proficient individuals.
  • Adapting software development to cater to specific business needs.
  • Engaging in regular communication with the client’s internal team through scheduled meetings and progress updates.
  • Adjusting team size as required by the project, thereby optimizing expenditures.

Offshore Development Centers vs. Outsourcing: How They Differ

Offshore Development Centers (OSDCs) and outsourcing represent two distinct strategies for acquiring software services. Despite sharing certain similarities, notable distinctions set these approaches apart.

Geographical Location: As previously mentioned, offshore software centers enlist foreign nations’ experts. In contrast, outsourcing entails collaborating with third-party vendors, irrespective of their geographic location. Therefore, an OSDC falls within the spectrum of outsourcing models. Outsourcing can take place either onshore or offshore.

Commitment: Offshore teams are exclusively dedicated to a client’s project and are fully committed to meeting its objectives and deadlines. Conversely, outsourcing vendors may deploy a team of developers working on various assignments, with the client’s project being one among them.

Tailored Services: Offshoring emphasizes a personalized approach to software development, customizing products to meet specific requirements. Outsourcing typically involves adhering to a vendor’s established processes and procedures.

Communication: Offshore development is particularly suited for projects demanding active collaboration, fostering ongoing interaction. On the other hand, outsourcing is better suited for clearly defined tasks that can be accomplished with minimal engagement.

Control: Clients exert better supervision over the operations and management of offshore locations. In contrast, outsourcing entails lower client involvement, as this model involves relinquishing some control to the external vendor.

Four Signs You Need Offshore Software Development Center Services

How can you determine if enlisting an offshore team is right for your business? Here are the primary indicators to watch out for:

Your Business Requires Enhanced Data Security

OSDCs often employ robust Quality Assurance (QA) processes and adhere to best practices, ensuring the quality and dependability of your customized technical solutions. Esteemed industry leaders, such as SHIFT ASIA, even establish robust security governance frameworks encompassing all facets of data privacy, including policies, processes, and technologies. Moreover, continuous training and awareness initiatives ensure that all OSDC personnel comprehend their responsibilities and handle sensitive data with utmost security.

This comprehensive approach aids in lowering the risks of errors and bugs to the minimum level, resulting in the delivery of products that meet or surpass customer expectations.

Necessity for Specialized Technical Expertise

Procuring and recruiting software experts in certain regions can prove challenging due to scarcity or prohibitively high costs. Opting for offshore software development widens your access to a diverse talent pool comprising adept professionals possessing specialized expertise, particularly in emerging technologies and niche domains, all at affordable rates. This facilitates achieving faster time-to-market without excessive expenditure.

Handling Extensive Projects

Sizeable projects demand continuous support and the ability to expand limitlessly. Maintaining an in-house team for these purposes may prove imprudent, as expenses could surpass revenues. A dedicated offshore development center proves invaluable by offering a central hub for continual updates and scaling, all within budgetary confines.

Maximizing Value While Minimizing Costs

Numerous companies excel in their respective fields, yet software development is not their primary forte. Imagine an insurance agency aiming to create a website, mobile application, or other digital solutions. Without outsourcing or offshoring, they’d need to delve into the subject matter themselves, assemble a team, construct infrastructure, establish developmental procedures, and manage ongoing maintenance. This action wastes time and resources, with outcomes likely falling short of ideals and disproportionate to the allocated budget.

By enlisting an offshore team, you circumvent the challenges of assembling an in-house team. This facilitates obtaining top-tier software at reasonable prices, adhering to established timeframes. Additionally, fostering long-term relationships with such a team enables their involvement in forthcoming projects.

Advantages of an Offshore Software Development Center


Not every business can recruit and maintain a team of proficient and seasoned developers. By outsourcing software services to an offshore destination, you can reap the benefits of heightened productivity and reduced expenses for resources, infrastructure, and labor, all while upholding quality.

For instance, an entrepreneur from the United States collaborates with an offshore software development center in South Asia or Eastern Europe. After accounting for all expenditures, the total costs would be half what an in-house, US-based team would entail. This discrepancy is attributed to the generally lower labor costs in developing nations. Remarkably, despite this cost advantage, many offshore teams deliver services that rival or surpass those of their Western counterparts in terms of quality.

Access to a Wider Talent Pool of Skilled Developers

Enlisting software engineers from developed nations proves more expensive and significantly challenging due to imbalances between labor supply and demand. This often leads to fruitless searches for the most adept specialists.

OSDCs provide a gateway to a broader reservoir of skilled offshore professionals who might not be readily accessible within your domestic market. This expedites finding and recruiting developers with the required skills and expertise.

Enhanced Efficiency

Leveraging time zone disparities with offshore centers can substantially boost operational efficiency. For instance, if an OSDC is located several hours ahead of your local office, developers can work on projects even before your workday commences, leading to quicker turnaround times.

24/7 Availability

Most offshore software centers extend continuous support and development services around the clock. This attribute, resulting from time zone variations and the need to synchronize with clients’ working hours, aids companies in condensing project timelines and expediting time-to-market.

Adaptable Scalability

A fundamental advantage offshore centers offer is their adaptability in scaling operations up or down as exigencies demand. This agility empowers companies to respond to market conditions and project prerequisites swiftly. When an expansion of the team becomes imperative, an OSDC can readily furnish the required resources, bypassing the protracted hiring process. Similarly, when a project nears completion, an offshore center can promptly downsize the team, effectively curtailing costs. This cultivates nimbleness, saving time and resources while enabling companies to navigate market fluctuations adeptly.

Offshore Software Development Center

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Choosing The Right Offshore Software Development Center

Selecting the right Offshore Software Development Center (OSDC) can be a formidable endeavor, but the process can be simplified by following these steps:

Define Your Project Requirements

Commence by delineating your project prerequisites. This entails identifying your anticipated outcomes and establishing explicit goals for potential candidates. Assess your business needs, determine the project’s scope (including size and complexity), set a timeline, evaluate the budget, and ascertain the specific technical expertise your project demands.

Decide on OSDC Location

The choice of OSDC location holds paramount significance in the decision-making process. Factors such as time zone differences, political stability, economic conditions, and labor costs should all be considered when assessing locations. The time zone factor significantly influences communication and collaboration with the development team. Political and economic stability is critical to ensure project continuity in the face of unforeseen events. Additional aspects to weigh include labor costs, language proficiency, and cultural compatibility.

Search for Potential OSDCs

Once your project requirements and potential partner locations are clear, evaluate candidate OSDCs. Conduct online research, explore ratings of software development companies on platforms like, and scrutinize vendor websites and LinkedIn profiles. Conclude this step by shortlisting your region’s 5-10 most suitable providers.

Evaluate Vendor Capabilities

Each vendor on your shortlist should undergo a comprehensive evaluation. Scrutinize references, review portfolios, and verify the technology stack. If feasible, communicate with prior clients to glean insights into the vendor’s work quality, reliability, and competence. Examining portfolios helps you understand the nature of past projects these companies undertake. At the same time, technology stack verification confirms whether they possess the requisite skills and resources to meet your project’s demands.

Assess Vendor Management Practices and Data Protection Policies

Ensuring the vendor has well-defined collaborative processes and effective communication channels is essential. Inquire about their established management practices, giving preference to agile methodologies.

Equally crucial is confirming the vendor’s compliance with data protection regulations and the presence of robust security measures. These may encompass:

  • Secure communication channels, such as virtual private networks (VPNs) and encrypted emails, prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data.
  • Infrastructure protection using firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, and antivirus software.
  • Implementing robust access control policies and mechanisms (like two-factor authentication, password expiration, and role-based access control) to restrict access to authorized personnel only.
  • Employment of secure coding languages, routine code reviews, and automated tools to detect vulnerabilities.
  • Adherence to relevant data protection regulations, such as GDPR, HIPAA, and CCPA, based on the nature of data used and processed.
  • Conduction of regular security assessments, including vulnerability scanning and penetration testing, to identify and rectify security vulnerabilities.
  • Additionally, please inquire about the vendor’s experience handling data breaches or security incidents, affirming their readiness to uphold data integrity.

Consider Costs and Contract Terms

Examine the vendor’s pricing structure and billing rates to ensure alignment with your budget. Pay meticulous attention to hidden costs, and do not hesitate to seek clarifications.

Lastly, inspect any ambiguous contract terms and think twice about the elements like intellectual property rights, confidentiality agreements, termination clauses, and liability limits. Engage your legal counsel to ensure fairness, consider your interests, and provide avenues to eliminate potential risks. Understanding and being 100% aware of your contractual obligations before finalizing your decision is essential.

Possible Challenges and Risks in Offshore Software Development

While the benefits are evident, engaging in offshore software development has downsides, such as language and cultural barriers, timezone disparities, and the intricacies of managing remote teams.

Communication Hurdles

Effective communication is the most successful factor in any software development endeavor, yet it can prove incredibly demanding when collaborating with an OSDC. Discrepancies in language proficiency, communication styles, and accents can foster misunderstandings and hinder project timelines. Employing efficient communication channels and protocols, such as regular meetings, project management tools, and comprehensive documentation, becomes essential to ensure alignment among all stakeholders.

Cultural Disparities

Recognizing the cultural context of the outsourced country is needed. Individuals from diverse cultures may exhibit distinct work methodologies, attitudes toward deadlines, and communication norms. These nuanced differences can give rise to challenges and even conflicts if not proactively addressed. It is incumbent upon organizations to cultivate cultural awareness within both their internal and offshore teams, fostering mutual understanding and respect.

Time Zone Challenges

Collaborating with an OSDC in a disparate time zone can introduce complexities in scheduling meetings, addressing issues, and meeting project deadlines. Teams may need to modify their working hours or establish overlapping shifts to accommodate these temporal variations. Setting a well-defined schedule and workflow ensures harmonious collaboration among all teams.

Management and Coordination

Overseeing an offshore team demands proficient leadership, adept project management, and skillful cross-cultural communication. Navigating these intricacies necessitates the establishment of a streamlined workflow. The coordination between external and internal teams becomes paramount to uphold uniform project standards and quality control. This entails vigilant monitoring of project status and active collaboration to address challenges from both directions.

How SHIFT ASIA Addresses These Challenges

As an offshore software development provider, SHIFT ASIA employs a range of strategies to mitigate potential risks and ensure our clients fully harness the advantages of an OSDC:

Establishing Transparent Communication Channels

We leverage specialized collaborative and management tools like Zoom, Teams, Slack, and Jira to facilitate regular video conferences and scrum meetings. This approach ensures seamless communication and enables all stakeholders to monitor project progress. Additionally, we institute protocols that outline response times and other communication benchmarks.

Fostering a Robust Team Culture

Our commitment to overcoming cultural disparities and fostering effective collaboration between internal and offshore teams drives us to organize diverse training sessions and team-building activities. We actively create platforms for knowledge sharing and cross-cultural interaction. SHIFT ASIA places great emphasis on nurturing an internal culture of inclusivity and respect, valuing the unique contributions of every team member.

Implementing Robust Project Management Strategies

SHIFT ASIA adopts a robust project management framework that prioritizes transparency, accountability, and ongoing enhancement. We meticulously define project objectives, milestones, and timelines, delineate individual roles and responsibilities, and regularly evaluate progress and performance using agile methodologies.

Facilitating On-Site Visits to the Offshore Center

To foster trust and fortify client relationships, we extend the opportunity for visits to our development centers. In-person interactions positively impact the project, enhancing comprehension of our company’s culture, objectives, and operational processes. These visits contribute to a more profound sense of partnership and understanding.


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What our Clients are saying

  • We asked Shift Asia for a skillful Ruby resource to work with our team in a big and long-term project in Fintech. And we're happy with provided resource on technical skill, performance, communication, and attitude. Beside that, the customer service is also a good point that should be mentioned.

    FPT Software

  • Quick turnaround, SHIFT ASIA supplied us with the resources and solutions needed to develop a feature for a file management functionality. Also, great partnership as they accommodated our requirements on the testing as well to make sure we have zero defect before launching it.

    Jienie Lab ASIA

  • Their comprehensive test cases and efficient system updates impressed us the most. Security concerns were solved, system update and quality assurance service improved the platform and its performance.