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Functional and Ad-Hoc Testing for Smooth Transition to Smartphone HR/Payroll Applications

Functional and Ad-Hoc Testing for Smooth Transition to Smartphone HR/Payroll Applications


This case study delves into implementing functional and ad-hoc testing using multiple devices after transitioning an existing desktop HR/payroll application to a smartphone-based platform. The focus is on ensuring quality and identifying device-dependent defects to ensure a smooth end-user experience.

About the Client

Our client is a well-established company with a rich history spanning over two centuries. Specializing in logistics solutions, they cater to various sectors, including warehousing, domestic and international transportation, import and export assistance, and harbor operations. With numerous locations throughout Japan and a global presence in multiple countries, they are committed to building a mutually beneficial relationship with society and strive to consistently meet changing needs, aiming to remain an essential part of the industry.


The client faced significant challenges after the migration of their HR/payroll system from a web-based platform to mobile applications. Key issues included:
– Limited resources to prepare and test multiple devices.
– Ensuring quality across all features with a restricted budget.
– The need to test all functionalities thoroughly on both desktop and mobile platforms.


The primary objective was to ensure the quality of the HR/payroll application across devices from desktops to smartphones. This involved comprehensive testing to identify and resolve any device-dependent defects.

SHIFT ASIA Solution Approach

To address the client’s needs, SHIFT ASIA adopted a two-pronged approach involving functional and ad-hoc testing:

  • Functional Testing: Critical features were meticulously tested using pre-designed test cases on various devices, ensuring core functionalities remained intact during migration.
  • Ad-hoc Testing: Less critical features underwent ad-hoc testing, ensuring no bugs were missed by examining the system’s behavior under random and unstructured scenarios. This flexible approach allowed testers to identify and address unexpected issues across diverse devices.


The implementation of both integration and ad-hoc testing yielded significant benefits:

  • Efficient Resource Utilization: using the above approach, we maximized testing effectiveness within budget constraints by focusing resources on critical features.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: Functional and ad-hoc testing combined ensured all functionalities were thoroughly examined.
  • Device-Specific Bug Identification: Testing on a diverse set of 10 devices (5 iOS and 5 Android) helped discover and resolve device-dependent defects that are often overlooked.
  • Timely Bug Resolution: By promptly opening bug tickets on CAT, coordinating with the client’s development team, and conducting timely retests, all identified bugs were resolved within the project timeline. This approach ensured a smooth and effective communication flow among all stakeholders, successfully releasing the smartphone application.


SHIFT ASIA’s comprehensive approach to functional and ad hoc testing, we successfully facilitated the migration of the client’s HR/payroll application to smartphones. This case study underscores the importance of multi-device testing in identifying device-dependent defects and ensuring a high-quality user experience in a resource-constrained environment. Effective communication and collaboration are also crucial for successful project execution.


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