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  • SHIFT ASIA provides QA solutions to the world leader in healthcare

SHIFT ASIA provides QA solutions to the world leader in healthcare

SHIFT ASIA provides QA solutions to the world leader in healthcare


Globally known, leading healthcare/ health tech company with multi-national operations. Business includes developing and selling healthcare devices, software, and equipment for at-home and medical use to promote wellness and healthy living. Their market-leading products include home blood pressure monitors, pedometers, digital thermometers, body composition monitors, and more.

Business challenges

The Client provides an extensive health management system with many applications across platforms that help patients and doctors to track health records and apply treatments. As the system is used in medical facilities and hospitals worldwide, the requirement for precision is high, as well as Quality assurance requirement is strict. The Client uses different outsourcing development vendors; maintaining consistent quality across systems and features from various suppliers has become challenging.

Inconsistency and lack of resources in the quality assurance department had been a prolonged problem for every product/feature release. SHIFT ASIA team joined the project and performed the acceptance and regression test to achieve better comprehensiveness.

Our solutions

Manual testing

  • Acceptance test: SHIFT ASIA test team performed the acceptance test for the system, including web and mobile applications, and ensured the quality of the applications and features before release to the market.
  • Regression test: as the system is constantly updated and changes features, the QA team was ready to perform the regression test at any change to detect bugs, ensure all the applications work smoothly after updates, and maintain the quality of the final releases.
  • Test case support: SHIFT ASIA QA team supported the Client in providing an intensive test case for the whole system following the Client’s quality requirements.

Automation test

SHIFT ASIA QA team implemented the test automation to help the Client save resources and speed up time to the market. To set up a Java-based process, the QA team defined the scope to be covered by automation (API and regression testing), determined the strategy, and identified the best toolkit, resulting in reduced testing times. In this case, we used the Racine framework developed by SHIFT Group. This framework is built on open-source Selenium with an improvement to use with Appium for mobile testing. With this, the QA team could perform hybrid testing across platforms.

  • API testing: applied for two applications that manage users (patients’ and doctors’ profiles) for the whole ecosystem.
  • Regression testing: test automation covered 60% of tests. These scripts were easily maintained in case of product changes and provided faster results for critical features.


Technologies & tools

  • Java 
  • Selenium 
  • Appinum 
  • CAT 
  • Chatwork 
  • Postman 
  • Baklog 
  • iOS
  • Android

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