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Improved Quality through Enhanced Testing Processes for Travel Reservation Site

Improved Quality through Enhanced Testing Processes for Travel Reservation Site

This case study showcases how SHIFT ASIA helped a global online travel service provider enhance the quality of their travel reservation site through improved testing processes.

Client Overview

Our client operates a global-scale travel reservation site offering various online travel services. They prioritize scalability, cost efficiency, and offshore development in Southeast Asia to maintain competitiveness. However, quality issues typical of offshore development began to impact their operations, prompting collaboration with SHIFT ASIA to address these challenges.

Challenges & requirements

  • Quality issues arising from offshore development practices.
  • Need for scalable and cost-effective solutions.
  • Desire to optimize testing processes to maximize development resources and productivity.

Client Requirements:

  • Establish and refine testing processes based on SHIFT ASIA’s expertise in offshore development.
  • Implement granular testing, optimizing cost-effectiveness.
  • Enhance testing efficiency and sophistication to maximize limited development resources and build a more productive system.

SHIFT ASIA’s Approach

SHIFT ASIA provided comprehensive testing support, encompassing all stages from planning and design to execution and automation. This included:

Test Process Enhancement:

  • Collaborated with the client’s development team to devise a streamlined testing process.
  • Ensured smooth integration of testing activities with feature development and bug fixes, enhancing overall system quality.

Testing Approach:

  • Prioritized functions based on importance and conducted tests at appropriate granularity levels, balancing thoroughness with cost-effectiveness.
  • Designed and implemented scenario-based testing for critical user flows to comprehensively validate related screens and functionalities.

Efficiency Improvements:

  • Significantly reduced regression testing time through test automation, enhancing productivity.
  • Employed SHIFT’s proprietary automation framework, “Racine,” for API testing, leveraging Selenium.

Technologies and Tools:

  • CAT (integrated software test management tool)
  • Jenkins (continuous integration support tool)
  • Postman (API tool)
  • Allure (automated test reporting tool)


SHIFT ASIA’s comprehensive approach, encompassing test planning, design, execution, and automation, empowered the travel company to establish a robust testing process. This resulted in improved quality, increased efficiency, and a more productive development system, solidifying the travel reservation site as a reliable platform for their global user base.

  • Enhanced Testing Process: A streamlined testing process ensured the smooth execution of all stages, from adding features to testing and bug fixing.
  • Improved Quality and Efficiency: Granular testing ensured thoroughness while maintaining cost-effectiveness, and automation reduced regression testing time significantly.
  • Increased Productivity: Efficient division of labor between testing and development teams boosted overall productivity.

This case study demonstrates the value of investing in robust testing processes, particularly within an offshore development environment, to ensure high-quality software development and delivery.

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