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Test Automation during Large-Scale System Migration of a Leading Ed-Tech Platform in Japan

Test Automation during Large-Scale System Migration of a Leading Ed-Tech Platform in Japan

Ensuring a seamless shift for legacy system migration of a leading Ed-Tech platform in Japan by implementing scalable test automation


This case study explores the successful implementation of long-term test automation solutions during a company-wide legacy system migration for a prominent educational technology platform in Japan. Shift Asia partnered with the client to analyze automation scope, develop a robust framework, build and execute test scripts, and provide ongoing maintenance, focusing on API and API-UI integration testing.

About the Client

The client delivers home-teaching and educational programs through various channels, including mobile apps, browser-based applications, and in-class systems supported by government institutions. The client embarked on a large-scale initiative to modernize its outdated technological infrastructure to maintain its competitive edge and ensure efficient service delivery.


Extensive and complex legacy systems built on outdated technologies.
Inefficient testing processes reliant on manual efforts.
Need for a smooth transition to a unified system with improved performance and maintainability.

Solutions & results

SHIFT ASIA proposed and implemented a comprehensive test automation plan encompassing both API and API-UI integration testing, including:

  • Development of a scalable and sustainable automation framework: Leveraging their proprietary Ballista framework for API testing and utilizing Selenium and Playwright for API-UI integration automation.
  • Automation script creation and execution: Covering key functionalities and integrations across the new system.
  • Maintenance and optimization: Continuously enhancing the automation suite to adapt to system updates and evolving requirements.


SHIFT ASIA actively collaborated with the client’s internal testing team, providing expert guidance and technical support throughout the project. A dedicated test engineer worked closely with the client’s testers team of ten, ensuring seamless communication and knowledge transfer.

Technologies Involved

  • API Automation Framework: SHIFT ASIA’s Ballista
  • API-UI Integration Automation: Selenium, Playwright
  • Programming Languages: Python, JavaScript

Key Results:

  • Reduced manual testing efforts by 70%, leading to significant cost savings and improved resource allocation.
  • Increased test coverage and accuracy, resulting in a 50% decrease in post-deployment bug detection and improved system stability.
  • Enhanced test execution speed and efficiency, enabling faster feedback loops and accelerated development cycles.
  • Established a robust and sustainable test automation framework that facilitates ongoing system maintenance and future migrations.


This case study demonstrates the power of strategic test automation in mitigating risks and ensuring a smooth transition during complex system migrations. Through its collaborative approach, expertise, and custom-built automation solutions, SHIFT ASIA successfully empowered the client to navigate its technological transformation, delivering a stable and high-performing educational platform for its users.


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