QA / Software Testing
In software development, testing and software quality assurance (SQA) serve as the backbone processes that guarantee software aligns with its predefined performance and usability benchmarks. It helps verify and uncover software requirements from their very inception. Software testing and QA have experienced quite a transformative shift in the past decade. The escalating development has helped speed up the software delivery dynamic, elevated user expectations for quality, and have triggered substantial changes in software quality testing approaches.
This column is especially dedicated to offer a collection of articles regarding the modern landscape of software testing and quality assurance. It also highlights pivotal strategies for optimizing testing efficiency and introduces the fundamental methodologies that underpin modern software testing routines.
Feature Articles
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Aug 10, 2023 JIN
The Future of Software Testing: Optimistic or Frankly Obnoxious?
Jul 28, 2023 JIN
How-to build a Strong & Effective Quality Assurance and Testing Team
Jul 28, 2023 JIN
Software Testing Life Cycle – Optimize Software Quality Testing
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