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Cyber Defenses on The Next Level: Top 10 Vulnerability Scanning Tools Security Testing

Apr 25, 2023 JIN

Cyber Defenses on The Next Level: Top 10 Vulnerability Scanning Tools

Attackers are constantly scouring the internet’s dark corners for vulnerabilities that would allow them to wreak havoc on an unwary individual or company. All they require is a little gap in the defenses to get unauthorized access to crucial and sensitive data. The damage an attack can cause forces companies to go out of business; according to an IBM report on “Cost of a data breach 2022,” a global average total cost of a data breach has been recorded at approximately USD 4.35M. Overwhelming! That’s why businesses would do anything in their power to patch all unsecured security holes and resolve the existing vulnerabilities to protect their precious customer data and avoid further legal responsibilities once exposed.

If we have touched on the fundamentals of vulnerability scanning in the previous blog; case you have missed it, be sure to jump over and read it here to familiarize yourself with the related terminologies before proceeding to this article; then today, we’ll be exploring vulnerability scanning a little bit further in detail by revealing you our take on a rundown of the top 10 vulnerability scanning technologies in the market, which shall help you to improve your business’s security posture. Behold, and let’s get right into it, shall we?

Using a vulnerability scanning tool is among the most effective methods for securing networks.

Top 5 Open-source vulnerability scanning tools

Staying ahead of the “discovering new vulnerabilities” game is tiring and often intricate, especially as cybersecurity attacks continue to change and become more sophisticated. Even though numerous commercial vulnerability scanning solutions are available, many businesses prefer open-source alternatives to meet their security requirements due to their low cost.

Tools for open-source vulnerability screening provide a flexible and affordable way to find and mitigate possible security problems. Here, we’ll examine the best 5 open-source vulnerability scanning tools that shall come in handy for SME companies in strengthening and securing their information and assets.


A powerful and popular known open-source network protocol analyzer that allows users to capture and examine network traffic in real-time and promptly detect vulnerabilities and suspicious activities. Initially, Wireshaft was introduced back in 1997; through countless years of developments, improvements, updates, and upgrades, Wireshark has become a trusted security toolkit for businesses around the globe. Providing continuous network traffic monitoring, converting binary data into a readable format with accurate structuring, and supporting over 2,000 network protocols, Wireshark is undeniably an irreplaceable vulnerability scanning tool for businesses of all sizes, not just SMEs alone.

Nevertheless, similar to much open-source software, it is not the most user-friendly tool out there, and the learning curve for Wireshark is relatively shallow; one must master to thoroughly configure and manage the platform to align with their specific requirements.


The brand has gained popularity for its capabilities of port scanning, service fingerprinting, and identifying operating system versions. It comes equipped with the Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE), which detects misconfiguration issues and security vulnerabilities accurately and effortlessly.

Users can conveniently select the interface that best suits their needs and preferences for software or systems that offer the choice of a command-line interface (CLI), offering powerful and efficient ways to carry out complicated operations using commands and keyboard shortcuts, or a graphical user interface (GUI), which gives a more visually-oriented method to engage with the program, makes it easier to understand and apply.


A security auditing tool called OpenSCAP aids enterprises in automating compliance auditing and vulnerability management. It is an open-source platform that offers a framework for automating configuration compliance, scanning for vulnerabilities, and system monitoring.

The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) dictionary is one of the security standards it complies with. It is based on the Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP). The ability to automatically scan operating systems and software packages for security flaws and incorrect setups is one of OpenSCAP’s primary capabilities.


Also known as the Open Vulnerability Assessment Scanner, it is a thorough open-source vulnerability scanner with a broad scope of scan coverage. Since its initial release in 2009, it has been maintained by Greenbone Networks, and it has grown in popularity as a trustworthy replacement for Nessus, which ceased to be an open-source Vulnerability Scanning Tool and turned into a proprietary one.

Network administrators, vulnerability scanners, and penetration testers choose OpenVAS because it has performed over 50,000 network vulnerability checks. With a client-server operating system, OpenVAS performs search, storage, and processing tasks on the server. For setting scans and viewing reports, utilize the client side.

The framework offers search capabilities for more than 26,000 CVEs and is intended for all-in-one scanning. The Nessus Attack Scripting Language (NASL) is used to create a variety of OpenVAS plugins, making the transition from Nessus to OpenVAS simpler for users. OpenVAS is a fantastic tool for anyone searching for a trustworthy open-source vulnerability scanner due to its simplicity of use and extensive coverage.

Burp Suite Community Edition

The Burp Suite Community Edition is a free internet vulnerability assessment tool available in Enterprise and Professional versions. It offers network administrators more manual control over their web-based vulnerability scanning compared to other tools. The platform allows users to manage requests and responses by intercepting and editing them, annotating items, and applying custom modifications using match-and-replace rules.

Additionally, it offers granular control over rules, statistical analysis charts, and access to free extensions from the user community. The Burp Suite Community Edition is a powerful and free option for those interested in building the tool they need for web scanning.

Learn about the top 5 paid vulnerability scanning tools for comprehensive cyber security.

Top 5 paid vulnerability scanning tools

While open-source tools can be helpful, paid tools can definitely provide more comprehensive coverage and better support. Here are the top 5 paid vulnerability scanning tools on our list:

Network Configuration Manager

Network Configuration Manager is a comprehensive network change and configuration management tool that allows organizations to automate the configuration of their network devices. Managing and maintaining configurations may be challenging, given the growing complexity of contemporary networks. By offering a central place for maintaining network configurations, Network Configuration Manager streamlines this procedure and lowers the possibility of mistakes and misconfigurations.

Routers, switches, firewalls, and load balancers are just a few network devices that Network Configuration Manager can support from various manufacturers. It has capabilities like real-time monitoring, change management, compliance management, and configuration backup and restores.

Additionally, this application aids businesses in ensuring adherence to security guidelines, commercial standards, and best practices. IT departments can increase network performance, decrease downtime, and enhance network security using Network Configuration Manager.


An automated web vulnerability scanner tailored for DevOps, VAddy offers valuable insights into the security of your web applications and easily integrates with your standard deployment process. Highly integrated with CI tools and compatible with multiple languages, your developers don’t have to be security experts in managing Vaddy. It automatically discovers and deals with vulnerabilities in your systems/applications before it becomes a thing in your code.

VAddy’s visualization tool lets you know the frequency of security vulnerabilities caused by team members or code modules, allowing you to identify problem areas much faster, secure your network, and avoid last-minute vulnerabilities scan throughout the product development cycle.

ManageEngine Vulnerability Manager Plus

ManageEngine Vulnerability Manager Plus is a powerful software for managing network security. Its key benefit is its vulnerability assessment capabilities, which scan for vulnerabilities in devices, Windows systems, and some third-party applications. It uses an anomaly-based strategy to catch zero-day vulnerabilities and emerging threats, unlike traditional scanners that rely on a database of known vulnerabilities.

Besides vulnerability assessment, it offers other security features, like managing antivirus software and identifying software posing security risks, suspicious ports, and configuration issues. It also has configuration deployment and patch management features, making it a comprehensive solution for managing network security. Although it may be complex for smaller environments, it’s generally easy to use and free for up to 25 computers.

Rapid7 Nexpose

Nexpose by Rapid7 is an on-premises vulnerability management tool that provides a solid starting point for conducting security scans. One of the unique features of Nexpose is its risk rating system, which assigns a score between 1 and 1000 based on factors such as the age of vulnerabilities and their usage in exploit kits. This detailed rating system offers a more nuanced view of risks compared to the traditional High-Medium-Low or 1-10 scale used by other tools. Some users appreciate this level of detail, while others may find it unnecessary.

Nexpose also offers step-by-step instructions for comparing systems to common policy standards, making it easier for organizations to ensure compliance. Although it may include only some of the features required for a comprehensive management strategy, Nexpose offers an open API that allows users to integrate its data with other tools. Overall, Nexpose is a valuable tool for organizations conducting thorough vulnerability assessments and prioritizing their security efforts.

Paessler PRTG

Paessler PRTG is A network monitoring tool with vulnerability scanning capabilities. It offers ongoing network monitoring and notifies users as soon as security risks and vulnerabilities are found. Users may recognize and fix possible security issues, including out-of-date software, weak passwords, and open ports, using PRTG’s vulnerability scanning services.

Additionally, it provides automatic network discovery and mapping capabilities, which makes it simpler for businesses to understand their network architecture. For companies trying to strengthen their network security posture, PRTG is a great solution because of its user-friendly interface and extensive reporting features.


Acunetix is a website security scanner that can detect over 4,500 vulnerabilities in custom, commercial, and open-source applications with a low false positive rate. The tool provides line-of-code visibility and detailed reports, making it easy for users to identify and resolve security issues.

Its visually appealing platform is flexible, allowing QA teams to configure their workflow as needed. Acunetix is a powerful solution for securing web applications and protecting against potential security threats.

Not all organizations have the necessary expertise or resources to manage vulnerability scanning tools, despite the availability of open-source and paid options.

Accessing advanced Vulnerability scanning tools through outsourcing

Although many vulnerability scanning technologies are available, businesses need the necessary knowledge and skills to select the proper tool and get reliable findings. In these circumstances, contracting out vulnerability scanning may be a practical choice to guarantee the project’s success.

Organizations may obtain access to cutting-edge technologies and knowledge to reduce risks and enhance their overall security posture by collaborating with a reputable service provider. Additionally, outsourcing can free up internal resources, enabling teams to concentrate on other essential facets of their business operations. Contracting out vulnerability scanning is a cost-effective option for smaller businesses that lack the funds to purchase sophisticated technologies or engage extra personnel with the necessary skills.

However, it is critical to find a trustworthy and reliable IT outsourcing services provider with a solid history of vulnerability management. The supplier should be competent in the industry, up-to-date on the newest threats, and utilize various tools and methodologies to perform thorough vulnerability checks. Organizations may improve the efficacy, precision, and dependability of their vulnerability scanning by partnering with the proper vendor.

SHIFT ASIA: Your trusted partner for effective Vulnerability scanning solutions

Over the past decade, SHIFT ASIA has supported thousands of SMEs and enterprises by providing a comprehensive range of IT outsourcing services, including vulnerability scanning. With a proven track record as an outstanding software testing services company, SHIFT ASIA has a group of experienced and highly skilled individuals who are experts in spotting weaknesses, evaluating risks, and offering specific solutions for businesses to “straighten” them up.

The use of cutting-edge technologies and methodologies by SHIFT ASIA, which enables businesses to carry out detailed scans and detect even the most complicated vulnerabilities, demonstrates SHIFT ASIA’s expertise in vulnerability scanning. Collaborating with SHIFT ASIA allows enterprises to access state-of-the-art technology and the latest threat information, giving them a complete picture of their security landscape.

In addition to technical proficiency, SHIFT ASIA offers organizations individualized counseling services to assist them in finding the best solution for their particular needs. SHIFT ASIA’s executive would collaborate directly with customers to comprehend their unique security concerns, create solutions that are specialized for each client, and offer continuing assistance to guarantee the success of their vulnerability scanning initiatives.

SHIFT ASIA is an ideal partner for businesses wishing to outsource their vulnerability screening requirements. Together with their state-of-the-art technologies and consultative approach, their team of professionals guarantees that enterprises can successfully discover and mitigate vulnerabilities and be confident with their software products.


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