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Top 7 Back-end Automation Testing Tools 2024 QA / Software Testing

Nov 17, 2023 JIN

Top 7 Back-end Automation Testing Tools 2024

With companies embracing rapid development strategies to gain an early foothold in the market and adapting to this accelerated software development, software testing automation has transitioned from optional to essential. Firms are integrating continuous integration (CI)/continuous delivery (CD) to streamline development and minimize manual effort. Automation testing seamlessly integrates into modern DevOps environments, delivering the most reliable outcomes.

Automation testing encompasses various types, with front-end and back-end testing being the most prevalent. Back-end testing involves validating the system components, excluding the user interface, such as APIs, Databases, third-party library calls, and server performance. While back-end testing may appear intricate, the availability of back-end automation testing tools simplifies the process significantly.

What is back-end automation testing?

Back-end automation testing involves verifying the components behind the application, including the database, Application Programming Interface (API), and third-party library calls, among others.

Testing is generally classified into two types:

  • Front-end testing
  • Back-end testing

Front-end testing concentrates on the visible aspects of the application, such as the user interface, styles, alignments, borders, and fonts. Additionally, it evaluates the functionality using the UI. Front-end automation tools are employed for conducting front-end testing.

On the other hand, back-end testing focuses on the components running in the background, like the database, API, and libraries. At times, back-end testing also addresses application infrastructure and performance. Several back-end automation tools are available to automate back-end testing tasks. Unlike front-end testing, back-end testing may be more complex, as it demands an in-depth understanding of technical aspects beyond just application functionality. However, the right tools can alleviate this complexity.

What types of tools are used for back-end automation testing?

Back-end testing focuses on non-UI components such as API calls, server-side tasks, and database queries, unlike front-end testing, which deals with visible elements and user interactions. In back-end testing, the emphasis is on validating the functionality of these components rather than visual features or styles.

For instance, when testing an API, testers must send requests with predefined parameters and analyze the response, including text, status, and error codes. This process doesn’t involve any visible components or styles.

Database testing is another essential aspect of back-end testing, where testers execute a series of queries on the database and verify the expected data in the response. This type of testing requires a direct connection to the database server, with queries sent and processed on the connected server.

Like other back-end testing tasks, database testing doesn’t rely on a user interface. Instead, it often involves using command line tools or programmatic code to verify the necessary.

Top 7 Back-end Automation Testing Tools

As mentioned earlier, back-end testing is inherently more complex than front-end testing. Withting process can be time-consuming without the app quick, potentially delaying the delivery cycle. Back-end automation testing tools offer the capability for automation similar to front-end automation tools. However, it is important to note that not all automation testing tools support back-end testing.

Below are the most popular back-end testing tools we have personally hand-picked out among the endless number of back-end automation testing tools you come across on the market.

1. Testsigma

Testsigma is an advanced AI-driven tool offering comprehensive front-end and back-end testing support. Its capabilities extend to API testing and seamless integration with CI/CD pipelines, making it a versatile option for automation needs. Testsigma operates as a codeless automation tool, allowing users to automate test cases without requiring advanced programming skills. Its intuitive user interface streamlines the process, facilitating the automation of diverse scenarios.

  • SaaS-based platform, eliminating the need for complex installations and setups.
  • Simplifies API testing without the necessity for coding.
  • Generates comprehensive and detailed reports for enhanced analysis.
  • Seamless integration with various tools like Jira, BrowserStack, Sauce Labs, and Jenkins.
  • Enables the execution of both front-end and back-end automation using a unified toolset.
  • Lack of support for database testing.
  • Inadequate to generate test data for database testing.

With Testsigma, users can expedite their back-end API tests up to 5 times faster, promoting efficiency and agility in the testing process.

2. Cypress

Cypress is an open-source test automation tool that facilitates front-end and back-end API automation. Unlike Testsigma, it requires users to write code for test case automation, utilizing the Cypress test runner for execution. Apart from this, Cypress allows the creation of component, UI, and API tests, ensuring comprehensive coverage of testing types within a single tool.

  • The open-source nature eliminates any associated costs for setup and usage.
  • User-friendly and straightforward setup process.
  • Offers diverse libraries for efficient API automation.
  • Testrunner dashboard provides a centralized location for viewing and executing test cases.
  • Supports multiple reporters for thorough reporting and analysis.
  • Require skilled resources proficient in writing automation scripts.
  • Lacks native support for database testing.
  • Does not include an integrated method for generating test data.

Cypress serves as a flexible and reliable tool for streamlining test automation across various testing types, providing a cost-effective and efficient solution for testing needs.

3. TestRigor

TestRigor represents an AI-driven test automation solution that enables the creation and execution of test cases without requiring coding. This tool automatically identifies test settings based on various criteria and recommends necessary adjustments, offering support for front-end and back-end API testing.

  • As a SaaS-based tool, no installation or setup is necessary.
  • Functioning as a codeless automation tool, it allows non-technical individuals to contribute to the automation process.
  • Provides reliable support for API testing in the context of back-end testing.
  • Detailed reports and statistics aid in comprehensive test feedback analysis.
  • A subscription-based tool means it’s costly to use.
  • Primarily oriented toward front-end testing, limiting back-end testing capabilities solely to API testing.
  • Lacks support for any form of performance testing.

TestRigor is an effective solution suited for organizations seeking streamlined test automation with minimal technical involvement. However, its focus primarily lies in front-end testing, and its back-end testing capabilities meet certain limitations.

4. HammerDB

HammerDB, a specialized tool designed for comprehensive database testing purposes, this open-source tool extends support to various database servers, including Oracle Database, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM Db2, MySQL, MariaDB, and PostgreSQL. Users can employ script writing to execute queries and evaluate database performance. HammerDB allows the establishment of industry-standard database performance benchmarks.

  • Available as a free and open-source tool.
  • Extensive support for multiple database servers.
  • Facilitates easy database load and performance testing.
  • Compatible with both Windows and Linux operating systems.
  • Offers user-friendly UI and command line interfaces with complete automation capabilities.
  • Simplifies the generation of complex transactional workloads.
  • Solely focused on database testing without support for other testing types.
  • Despite available documentation, beginners may find navigating the tool’s usage complex.
  • Users ought to have the expertise in coding to write test case scripts efficiently.

HammerDB is a powerful choice for organizations seeking comprehensive and specialized database testing solutions, provided users possess the requisite coding skills for effective utilization.

5. Postman

Postman is a specialized tool primarily designed for conducting comprehensive API testing, offering support for manual and automated testing procedures. Automation tests executed through Postman can seamlessly integrate into the pipeline. Postman is available in two versions: free and paid, each catering to different testing requirements. While the free version limits requests, mocking the paid version provides full capabilities.

  • User-friendly installation and setup process.
  • Intuitive GUI-based editor simplifies the testing workflow.
  • Supports both manual and automated API testing.
  • Unique features such as API mocking and shared workspaces enhance testing capabilities.
  • Limited to API testing; no support for database testing.
  • Lacks performance testing capabilities for databases and APIs.
  • Requires skilled resources for writing automation scripts.
  • Limited documentation may pose challenges for beginners when creating test cases.


Expanding on the intricacies of back-end testing, this process encompasses various server-side use cases, such as assessing CPU usage and database I/O. SLOB, a back-end testing tool, specifically generates an I/O workload tailored for the Oracle database.

  • SLOB is a well-regarded free tool trusted by numerous reputable organizations.
  • Enables the generation and evaluation of I/O workloads for the Oracle database.
  • Supports comprehensive testing of extreme REDO logging I/O scenarios.
  • Users should have an advanced understanding of Database technologies to comprehend the tool’s concepts and implementation effectively.
  • SLOB is limited to database I/O testing and exclusively supports the Oracle database.
  • Documentation is available as a single PDF file, potentially presenting challenges due to its complexity.

SLOB is a robust solution for organizations relying on the Oracle database, provided users have a firm grasp of Database technologies and can navigate complex documentation.

 7. TOAD

TOAD, an extensive database management toolset, caters to data generation requirements across databases like Oracle, SQL Server, IBM DB2, SAP, and MySQL. As a proprietary solution by Quest, TOAD additionally facilitates the automation of recurring workflows and processes.

  • Comprehensive support for diverse databases, including Oracle, SQL Server, IBM DB2, SAP, and MySQL.
  • Enables efficient test data generation for all compatible databases.
  • Automates administrative tasks, streamlining operations.
  • Provides a holistic database-focused approach, integrating administration, management, analytics, and test data generation functionalities.
  • While TOAD offers certain features applicable to database testing, it is focused on something other than this aspect.
  • Being a proprietary tool, TOAD entails associated costs for utilization.
  • Mapping test case scenarios using TOAD automation can be challenging, considering its limited support for comprehensive end-to-end database testing capabilities.

TOAD is a powerful resource for database management, administration, and automation across diverse database systems, with the understanding that its testing capabilities may not be as extensive as some specialized tools in the market.


Back-end testing is just as crucial in the testing process as other testing phases due to its direct influence on the functionality and stability of the entire system, primarily focusing on critical components such as the Database, server activity, APIs, and infrastructure. A malfunction in any of these back-end elements is intolerable as it shall lead to system failures, potentially causing more harm than good unexpectedly.

Back-end testing is more complicated than front-end testing as it involves elements that are not visible to the user, such as the UI. As it is non-browser-based, back-end testing operates independently of the browser, allowing for programmable or command-line-driven execution. Leveraging back-end automation testing tools ensures prompt feedback and aligns with modern DevOps and agile development methodologies.


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  • Quick turnaround, SHIFT ASIA supplied us with the resources and solutions needed to develop a feature for a file management functionality. Also, great partnership as they accommodated our requirements on the testing as well to make sure we have zero defect before launching it.

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