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Top 8 eCommerce Automation Testing Tools for 2024 QA / Software Testing

Mar 14, 2024 JIN

Top 8 eCommerce Automation Testing Tools for 2024

eCommerce has become the norm and no longer stays at temporary trends, especially post-pandemic. Worldwide e-commerce sales are predicted to exceed 8 trillion dollars by 2026; businesses have already focused on delivering an enjoyable and consistent online shopping experience without interruptions, slowdowns, or malfunctions that may result in lost sales and customer skepticism. In response to these challenges, eCommerce businesses have turned their favors to testing tools and automation testing to guarantee they have mastered online retail’s dynamic landscape.

The Significance of Automation Testing in eCommerce

In 2020, Gartner has predicted that by 2024, 69% of all managerial work will be automated. By automation, businesses are aiming to:

Enhancing Customer Experience

  • Seamless Functionality: eCommerce testing scrutinizes every site facet, maintaining a smooth transition from surfing through the web, product searching to checkout, and providing a hassle-free personalized shopping experience.
  • User Interface Optimization: Automation tests assess the user interface across different devices and screen sizes to conquer the diversity of mobile-centric e-commerce shoppers.

Protecting Revenue

  • Risk Mitigation: Identifying and rectifying issues through automation testing reduces the risk of costly downtime during peak shopping. Leaving no customers behind and unhappy.
  • Scalability Testing: E-commerce automation testing checks the platform’s capacity during high-traffic periods, preventing revenue loss due to unresponsive systems.

Maintaining Reputation

  • Error Prevention: Automation testing prevents negative user experiences caused by unexpected errors, such as broken links, 404s, or non-functioning shopping carts, safeguarding a brand’s image.
  • Data Security: Beyond Functionality, security testing in automation identifies and addresses vulnerabilities in payment gateways and customer data handling, maintaining customer trust.

Regulatory Compliance

  • Data Protection Laws: eCommerce testing ensures compliance with strict data protection laws like GDPR and CCPA, averting legal issues and reputational damage.
  • Payment Security Standards: Automated testing checks payment processes to meet standards such as PCI DSS, safeguarding the financial aspects.

Competitive Advantage

  • Quality Assurance: eCommerce Automation Testing maintains platform quality consistently, offering a competitive edge against the crowded market.
  • Faster Innovation: Automated testing allows businesses to innovate and launch new features confidently, knowing existing functionalities remain robust providing agility in the market.

Guidelines for Effective eCommerce Automation Testing

While having the right tools is the first step, it does not guarantee success if things are not planned and carried out correctly. Here are a few suggestions for getting your automation testing on the right track.

Test Planning and Strategy

First, everything starts with a proper plan. Specifically, your testing strategy identifies critical areas for testing, establishes a testing schedule, and delineates expected outcomes.

Script Development Best Practices

Well-crafted test scripts serve as the backbone of automation testing. Keep your scripts modular, maintainable, and easily understandable to boost the robust error-handling procedure and reporting mechanisms.

Data Management

E-commerce websites typically deal with an extensive range of data. Having an effective data management system in place to aid in various testing scenarios, including different product names, users, and payment methods.

Continuous Testing

To keep your eCommerce site defect-free at all times, integrate Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines and aggressively boost the automated software testing process.

Top 8 eCommerce Automation Testing Tools


TestComplete stands out as a commercial test automation tool catering to various rapid technological changes. It is well-equipped for testing web pages and e-commerce mobile applications.

The tool is excellent for teams seeking a comprehensive and powerful testing solution. Some of its key features include broad support for diverse technologies, an extensive set of testing features, user-friendly navigation, and a library rich in pre-built components and keywords. Despite its strengths, it’s essential to note that the product’s commercial nature could present challenges for smaller businesses due to potential expenses.


Applitools is a visual testing platform dedicated to evaluating the user interface of e-commerce websites and applications. It prioritizes the assurance of visual consistency and a bug-free experience, making it an essential tool for maintaining the visual integrity of digital platforms. With an emphasis on ease of use, even for beginners, Applitools provides:

  • Comprehensive testing capabilities.
  • Support various testing types, such as visual regression testing.
  • Visual snapshot testing.
  • Visual diff testing.

On the positive side, Applitools boasts a user-friendly interface, making it accessible to individuals, regardless of their experience level. Additionally, its comprehensive visual testing capabilities contribute to a powerful testing solution. However, on the downside, the platform may be relatively expensive for larger businesses and enterprises, posing a potential drawback for those with extensive testing needs.


Protractor is a testing framework explicitly designed for Angular and AngularJS applications. It leverages WebDriver and comes equipped with built-in test runners tailored for JavaScript-based applications. Additionally, Protractor facilitates direct browser execution, allowing tests to run directly in the browser for immediate feedback. The framework also supports Angular-specific locators, streamlining the process of element identification, and is particularly well-suited for developers proficient in JavaScript.

Regarding pricing, Protractor follows an open-source model, making it freely available for users to access and utilize.


WebdriverIO is a widely embraced open-source framework designed to automate front-end tests. While it possesses capabilities akin to Selenium, it distinguishes itself with enhanced flexibility and extensibility.

For teams needing a versatile web automation framework, WebdriverIO comes highly recommended. Its seamless integration with Selenium WebDriver further makes it an excellent choice for teams already leveraging Selenium.


TestCafe is a web automation tool specifically crafted for automated front-end testing. Its design prioritizes simplicity in both learning and usage, making it an accessible choice for teams new to automated testing. It is also tailored to meet the specific needs of web applications, making TestCafe a suitable option for those exploring automated front-end testing or seeking reliable support.


Puppeteer is a Node.js platform that gives developers intricate control over Chrome. With Puppeteer, you can automate tasks like clicking buttons, filling out forms, and navigating web pages. This is particularly beneficial for teams already utilizing Node.js or those needing a customizable web automation solution.


Eggplant, a tool developed by Keysight Technologies, focuses on user experience testing through image-based techniques for web, mobile, and desktop applications. The tool prioritizes simulating user interactions from the user’s perspective, ensuring high-quality user experiences. Users can manually create test cases using SenseTalk, a proprietary scripting language designed for test automation that requires scripting or programming.


Perfecto enhances the testing process for eCommerce platforms, aiming for a seamless and high-quality user experience. With its real-device and virtual-device testing capabilities, Perfecto allows eCommerce businesses to thoroughly evaluate their web applications across various devices and browsers, addressing the diverse preferences of online shoppers.

Moreover, Perfecto’s test analytics and reporting features empower e-commerce businesses to identify and address issues promptly, minimizing potential disruptions to the user journey. By integrating Perfecto into their testing processes, e-commerce companies can uphold the quality of their platforms, mitigate risks of technical errors during peak shopping periods, and ultimately bolster their online reputation and revenue.
Comprehending e-commerce Automation Testing and Tools

eCommerce Automation Testing extends beyond technical requirements, surpassing script execution and tool utilization. It’s about safeguarding the core values and principles of your business model. Prioritizing better customer satisfaction makes e-commerce platforms trusted and encourages repeated visits. It inspires your customer base to refer your brand/products to others. With that being said, the substantial competitive edge acquired through automation testing cannot be overstated. Quality assurance and accelerated innovation are your strategic assets in the competition for market dominance. Consistently meeting high-quality standards pushes you to surpass your rivals and remain the trendsetter instead of the trend-followers.


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What our Clients are saying

  • We asked Shift Asia for a skillful Ruby resource to work with our team in a big and long-term project in Fintech. And we're happy with provided resource on technical skill, performance, communication, and attitude. Beside that, the customer service is also a good point that should be mentioned.

    FPT Software

  • Quick turnaround, SHIFT ASIA supplied us with the resources and solutions needed to develop a feature for a file management functionality. Also, great partnership as they accommodated our requirements on the testing as well to make sure we have zero defect before launching it.

    Jienie Lab ASIA

  • Their comprehensive test cases and efficient system updates impressed us the most. Security concerns were solved, system update and quality assurance service improved the platform and its performance.