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Top 10 Software Testing Companies for eCommerce QA / Software Testing

May 21, 2024 JIN

Top 10 Software Testing Companies for eCommerce

Building your eCommerce empire is no joke. The pressure of having the eCommerce platform online 24/7, with no crashes or glitches, and always up to date with the latest eCommerce trends is wearing the entire business down, especially in these past few years. With the current economic crisis and the alarming unemployment rate, many companies are shifting toward outsourcing software development and testing companies to optimize costs and leverage their talent shortages.

Despite conducting thorough research on testing options, finding the ideal fit may prove challenging. When there is a will, there’s a way; we’re here and get your back! Coming up with a list of criteria that you might have to keep in mind as guidance while searching for that “ideal” software testing partner, and we’ve also shortlisted the top 10 software testing companies specialized in eCommerce for you to pick. Let’s jump right in!

Software Testing Company for eCommerce – the selection criteria

Upon a software release, it has to go through a meticulous process of software quality testing; this fundamental step helps the final product to be in its best first usable version. Let’s face it: the perfect software product doesn’t exist and would never make it to the market due to countless developer delays and burnouts. Instead, we usually get the product’s MVP (minimum viable product) to attract early adopters and reassure the business whether or not this product will make it and is worth further development.

The same goes for eCommerce testing, which embraces the testing practice and achieves the success, reliability, and quality of eCommerce products. Adopting testing early in the software development lifecycle helps identify flaws, faults, and vulnerabilities, such as broken links, faulty redirects, payment processing errors, and security vulnerabilities. Testing helps mitigate the risk of costly rework, security breaches, negative user experiences, and trust.

When selecting a software testing firm, it is important to conduct a thorough assessment and cross-check whether the company meets your project’s specific needs and quality standards. But first, clearly define your testing requirements, objectives, and goals. Specify the type of testing required, project schedule, budget constraints, and any industry standards or regulations to be followed.

Research potential software testing candidates specializing in eCommerce testing or any testing you have planned. If you haven’t had a checklist yet, here’s a comprehensive guide that we’ve come up with to help you make the informed decision much more accessible:

EXPERIENCE vs. EXPERTISE: Assess each company’s level of experience and skill in software testing that would later help you decide on which one to pick. Experience navigates through difficult and big projects; expertise helps to shorten the timespan. In certain circumstances, the knowledge base in a niche industry helps software testing companies optimize testing plans and strategies accordingly. If you can have the best of both worlds: both expertise and experience, get it! It’s a rare find.

TOOLS AND METHODOLOGIES: Find out what tools and testing methodologies they have been using in previous projects. You must dig deeper to determine how efficiently they carry out the work.

COLLABORATION & COMMUNICATION: They are often underrated. Effective communication & collaboration are essential for the success of testing projects. Less frustration and misunderstanding can push development projects to the edge.

SCALABILITY & FLEXIBILITY: Unforeseeable project size expansion might happen. How would you have grown your projects in the long term? If you would like to have your projects much bigger than they are in a year, consider looking for software testing companies that can grow with you. Otherwise, you would have ended up going with bigger partners down the line. Cutting off all the hassles of switching and re-adapting. Definitely exhausting.

THE BUDGET: Compare pricing quotations based on services offered, quality control processes, and overall value.

SUPPORT & MAINTENANCE: Get to know the company’s post-testing support and maintenance services ahead of time. You’ll need that extra supportive team even after the project has wrapped up. The aftermath is just as crazy as the development process.

REFERENCES: Ask for references. If you know your friends who have worked with that particular software testing firm before, connect with them and ask for their feedback. Do your research! Choosing a software testing company to stick with is like marrying your products to their lifetime partner. Do it wisely, and don’t take it lightly.

Based on the above criteria, we’ve curated the top 10 software testing companies worth mentioning in 2024, specializing in eCommerce testing to narrow down your research. Without further ado, let’s find out what we have picked out for you:

Top 10 Software Testing Companies for eCommerce

1. QATestLab

Core Services: Test Automation, Manual Testing, API Testing, Functional Testing, Usability Testing, Accessibility Testing, WCAG Compliance Testing and Certification, Load and Performance Testing, Regression Testing, Exploratory Testing, and DevOps services with dedicated testing teams and customizable solutions.

QATestLab provides comprehensive testing solutions tailored to the unique needs of online businesses. Their experienced QA engineers specialize in testing various aspects of eCommerce platforms, including website functionality, usability, security, and compatibility across different devices and browsers.

About: QATestLab is a globally recognized QA and testing company headquartered in Cyprus, with research and development centers in France, Poland, Cyprus, and Ukraine. Since its inception, the company has been deeply committed to upholding quality, reliability, and innovation standards, making it a trusted leader in the QA industry and an attractive destination for aspiring professionals.

Onshore Testing: No. Onshore testing services are not offered. However, with headquarters based in Cyprus and a global presence, onshore testing services are provided across various vital locations to guarantee seamless collaboration and timely delivery of high-quality testing solutions.

2. Cigniti Technologies

Core Services: Cigniti Technologies Limited offers various testing services to meet diverse client needs. These services include Agile & DevOps Testing, Digital Testing, Mobile Testing, Service Virtualization, Test Data Management, Security Testing, Performance Testing, Functional Testing, Test Automation, eCommerce Testing, ERP Testing, Test Advisory Services, Medical Device Testing, Big Data Testing, and eCommerce Testing.

Leveraging its proficiency in testing diverse eCommerce platforms and technologies, Cigniti aids businesses in pinpointing and addressing potential issues, ultimately improving the quality and dependability of their eCommerce applications.

About: With a workforce of over 1800 professionals, Cigniti operates across multiple locations worldwide, including the US, UK, India, Australia, and Canada. Over the past 15 years, the company has successfully delivered high-quality software solutions to enterprises and independent software vendors (ISVs) across various industries. Cigniti’s commitment to excellence and innovation has earned it a reputation for enhancing time-to-market and reducing the overall cost of quality for its clients. Leveraging its extensive research and development efforts, Cigniti has developed SMART Tools™ aimed at expediting testing processes and improving service quality.

Onshore Testing: In 2023, Cigniti opened a new facility in Hyderabad, India, broadening its offshore delivery capabilities.

3. Crowd4Test

Core Services: provides a wide range of testing solutions, including Test Automation, Manual Testing, API Testing, Functional Testing, Usability Testing, Accessibility Testing, and more. With dedicated testing teams and customizable solutions, Crowd4Test enables businesses to enhance their in-house testing capabilities without additional resources.

About: Crowd4Test is a globally recognized company known for its expertise in delivering transparent, refined, and cost-effective testing solutions in today’s user-centric environment. Since the start, Crowd4Test has been committed to providing customizable testing solutions to meet eCommerce businesses’ unique needs and challenges. With a focus on delivering seamless functionality, security, and performance of online platforms, Crowd4Test is a trusted partner for businesses seeking to enhance customer satisfaction and foster growth in the competitive eCommerce industry.

Onshore Testing: While headquartered in India, Crowd4Test has a global presence and offers onshore testing services in various locations.

4. Testlio

Core Services: Testlio specializes in managed app testing services globally, providing comprehensive solutions to clients across various industries. Their core services include Test Automation, Manual Testing, API Testing, Functional Testing, Usability Testing, Localization Testing, and more, with a vast network of over 15,000 testers in 100+ countries and a versatile software platform.

About: Testlio is a leading provider of managed app testing services renowned for its dedicated client teams and extensive network of testers worldwide. Focusing on delivering high-quality testing solutions, Testlio helps businesses enhance platform quality, mitigate risks, and drive customer satisfaction and revenue growth. Their commitment to excellence and customer success has become a trusted partner for companies looking to optimize their app performance and user experience.

Onshore Testing: While Testlio operates globally, it offers onshore testing services in various locations to boost development collaboration and timely delivery of high-quality testing solutions to clients, including those in the eCommerce sector.

SHIFT ASIA - Software Quality Assurance Company


Core Services: Automation Testing, Manual Testing, API Testing, Functional Testing, Usability Testing, Accessibility Testing, GUI Testing, Ad hoc Testing, Load and Performance Testing, Regression Testing, Exploratory Testing, and eCommerce Testing.

About: SHIFT ASIA, a subsidiary of SHIFT Inc. based in Japan and recognized as a Platinum Partner in the ISTQB Partner Program, is establishing itself as a leader in the field. Their recent recognition as one of the top Software Testing Companies in 2021 by GoodFirms underscores their dedication to quality. Specializing in software quality assurance and testing, SHIFT ASIA adheres to Japanese standards to offer customers reliable solutions. Their focus on delivering high-quality products reflects agility in the global IT industry. “As Your Partner for Quality, we aspire to revolutionize software testing with excellence and innovation through SHIFTASIA Consulting Services. “says Ryusuke Ito, CEO of SHIFT ASIA.

With a team of experienced software testing professionals and full-stack developers, SHIFT ASIA provides advanced IT solutions and software testing consultancy. They uphold the highest quality standards and are certified with ISO/IEC 27001:2013. Their meticulous approach makes them an ideal partner for ambitious tech businesses aiming to expand into new markets worldwide.

Onshore Testing: Offering various onshore and offshore testing, rates might vary depending on locations and projects.

6. iBeta Quality Assurance

Core Services: Web Testing, Mobile Testing, Accessibility Testing, Load Performance Testing, Automated Testing, eCommerce Testing, Localization Testing, Game Testing, Functionality Testing, and Biometrics Testing.

About: iBeta, headquartered in Denver, Colorado, has been a prominent provider of essential software testing services since 1999. Focused on delivering high-quality testing services, iBeta has completed many projects and earned a reputation for excellence in software testing. By offering a wide array of testing types and specializing in eCommerce testing, iBeta continues to uphold its commitment to warrant software reliability and customer satisfaction.

Onshore testing: iBeta offers onshore testing services, providing clients with quality and reliability assurance. With all testers, management, and facilities located in the USA, iBeta ensures seamless collaboration and effective communication throughout the testing process.

7. QualityLogic

Core Services: Test Automation, Manual Testing, API Testing, Functional Testing, Usability Testing, Accessibility Testing, WCAG Compliance Testing and Certification, Load and Performance Testing, Regression Testing, Exploratory Testing, eCommerce Testing and DevOps services with dedicated testing teams and customizable solutions.

About: QualityLogic has built a strong reputation for providing high-quality testing services and solutions tailored to meet clients’ evolving needs. With extensive experience and expertise, QualityLogic provides flexible and cost-competitive testing solutions, leveraging U.S. onshore expertise to support clients’ agile development programs.

Onshore Testing: QualityLogic offers onshore testing services, providing clients with quality and reliability assurance.

8. A1QA

Core Services: Cybersecurity, API Testing, Functional Testing, Usability Testing, Performance Testing, Regression Testing, Compatibility Testing, Localization Testing, eCommerce Testing.

About: a1qa, a trusted partner since 2003, has been dedicated to assisting global market leaders, including Fortune 500 companies, to deliver superior software products and exceptional customer experiences. With a commitment to quality engineering, a1qa has established itself as a reliable partner in the software testing industry. Their focus on delivering unbiased quality assessments ensures that clients receive accurate evaluations of their software products. Additionally, a1qa specializes in eCommerce testing, assisting businesses in optimizing their online platforms for seamless functionality and enhanced user experience.

Onshore Testing: Absent. Operations are situated in Belarus.

9. ScienceSoft

Core Services: ScienceSoft provides many services to help businesses establish robust QA processes and ensure high-quality software. These services include CRM, ERP, eCommerce, Data Analytics, Information Security, and DMS solutions. Additionally, the company offers expertise in cutting-edge technologies such as AI, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, the Internet of Things, and Augmented Virtual Reality.

About: Headquartered in McKinney, Texas, USA, ScienceSoft has expanded its reach with offices in Europe, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE. With a global presence, ScienceSoft has become a trusted partner for businesses seeking superior software quality.

Onshore Testing: Mixed. Global operations.

10. DeviQA

Core Services: Full-cycle testing, automated testing for web/mobile/desktop, performance/load/stress testing, end-to-end testing, user acceptance testing, functional UI automation, automated performance testing, QA consulting and audit, etc.

About: DeviQA has established itself as a global Quality Assurance and Testing leader, serving clients since 2010. With a track record of over 14 years, DeviQA has been instrumental in championing numerous customer success stories. DeviQA’s commitment lies in preserving and fortifying our clients’ brands and esteemed reputations through top-tier testing and quality assurance services.

Onshore Testing: Outsourcing software testing to an offshore QA team like DeviQA offers flexibility and cost-saving opportunities, ensuring top-quality software delivery and increased release frequency.

Your best shot at Outsourcing a Software Testing Company

Building a perfect software, solution, eCommerce website, or product is challenging, and so is getting an out-of-this-world outsourcing software testing company. We prefer this process to finding the right partner at the right time. Each time, the options you end up with would vary based on the project’s time stamp, the current technology scenario, the project goals, and the financial status burden you are dealing with. If we all have financial freedom, the selection process is no longer a headache or feeling like you’re betting your soul on it.

Therefore, revisit the checklist as much as you need to, leverage your choices, ask your peers for feedback and references, and do your homework! At the end of the day, it’s all about money well spent.


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What our Clients are saying

  • We asked Shift Asia for a skillful Ruby resource to work with our team in a big and long-term project in Fintech. And we're happy with provided resource on technical skill, performance, communication, and attitude. Beside that, the customer service is also a good point that should be mentioned.

    FPT Software

  • Quick turnaround, SHIFT ASIA supplied us with the resources and solutions needed to develop a feature for a file management functionality. Also, great partnership as they accommodated our requirements on the testing as well to make sure we have zero defect before launching it.

    Jienie Lab ASIA

  • Their comprehensive test cases and efficient system updates impressed us the most. Security concerns were solved, system update and quality assurance service improved the platform and its performance.